SKETCH - Base price 6$USD

2$USD per extra.

CHIBI - Base price 12$USD

3$USD per extra.

COLOR - Base price 26$USD

10$USD per extra.

RENDER - Base price 36$USD

15$USD per extra.

Read me!

- Any price may vary depending on complexity.
- Payment must be done first, once I have the payment I´ll start with the commission.
- Payment by Paypal, only in USD (Nequi for Colombian people).
- I have the right to decline any commission.
- I don´t do refunds. Only will if I can't do a commision or I need to cancel it. Then I'll return the totality of the payment.
- Feel fre to ask for your commission in any moment, but please do not rush me. I´m a human too.
- Personal use is okay. Clients may repost it wherever they want with credits! Commercial is NOT allowed, to avoid legal matters. Clients cannot make profit out of the piece.
The client must specify from the beginning if commercial use is desired! In this case the price of the commission varies!!
- Preliminary Work/Sketches: During the initial planning stagest the Artist will provide thumbnails, sketches for the Client´s approval. The client may request revisions during the planning stage. Additional fees will be charged to the client for revisions made after the approval of the final rough draft and for all revisions that reflect a new direction for the assignment.- Finished Art: The client agrees to pay the Artist additional fee, to be negiotiated separately, for changes requested to the final art. No addiotional fee shall be billed for changes required to bring up to the original specifications or assignment description. The client agrees to offer the Artist the first opportunity to make any changes to the final artwork.

OCs, fanart, furry, animal ears, horns, weapons, armor, selfship, nude, nsfw.Mecha, controversial or hateful content, heavy gore.